Reverse: 1999

Ultimate Reverse: 1999 - Tier List

By Paul | Updated: Nov 13th 2023

Improving a character in Reverse: 1999 consumes a lot of resources and it helps having some sort of guide or direction to help you make an informed decision whether a character is worth investing resources into or not. In our Ultimate Reverse: 1999 Tier List, we provide a comprehensive ranking of characters currently available in the game, as well as giving details on some of our top choices.

Ultimate Reverse: 1999 - Tier List
Ultimate Reverse: 1999 - Tier List
If you need detailed instructions on how to reroll, please check out our Reroll Guide.

Ultimate Reverse: 1999 Tier List

Let's jump straight in with our Ultimate Tier List, first of all we'll summarize out choices and break those down into tiers, then go into much more detail with our top choices and let you know why these are the best characters in the game.

Tier List Considerations

While the combat power of each individual character matters, in Reverse: 1999, the team composition plays a significant role as well. This means characters will shine when they're put in a team that complements their abilities or allow them to use their abilities to their full extent. Some characters will require the right teammates to perform well while others can be quite flexible, able to perform in any team composition they're in. Of course, you also need to take into consideration the afflatus (element, type) of enemies in the battle the characters will participate in.

If you want to know more about afflatuses and the character stats, please refer to our

Afflatus and Character Stats Guide.

You can also check out our Character Improvement Guide to learn the various methods of improving your individual characters in the game.

Tier List Summary

  • SS Tier

    Centurion, Eternity, Melania, Medicine Pocket

  • S Tier

    A Knight, An-an Lee, Balloon Party, Bkornblume, Charlie, Dikke, Lilya

  • A Tier

    Druvis III, Regulus, Sonetto, Tennant, Voyager

  • B Tier

    Baby Blue, Bette, Click, Eagle, La Source, Leilani, Ms. NewBabel, Necrologist, Satsuki, Sotheby, Twins Sleep, X

  • C Tier

    Apple, Cristallo, Door, Erick, Matilda, Nick Bottom, Oliver Fog, The Fool

  • D Tier

    Alien T, Bunny Bunny, Darley Clatter, John Titor, Mesmer Jr., Mondlicht, Ms. Moissant, Ms. Radio, Onion, Poltergeist, Rabies, Sputnik, TTT

SS Tier Characters

These are considered some of the best of the best in the game. Prioritize investing your resources on them and


Tag(s):Burst DMG, DPS

Afflatus: Beast

Damage Type: Reality

Centurion is currently the best DPS and strongest damage dealer in the game, focusing on either raw Ultimate DPS or skill DPS. One of her skills can deal damage to two enemies while boosting her Moxie (ultimate charge). Her other skill gets bonus reality damage based on her current Moxie amount. Finally, her ultimate deals Reality DMG to all enemies while applying a stack of Weakness debuff on them.

Her Insight levels will just make her even better. I1 (Insight 1) increases her damage for every Moxie owned, I2 increases her Crit Rate upon entering a battle, and I3 boosts her HP after losing her Moxie. Her Portrays (passives) will further improve the raw damage and DMG bonuses of her skills, making her even more potent.


Tag(s):Nasty Wound, DPS

Afflatus: Mineral

Damage Type: Reality

Eternity has an interesting kit, giving her the ability to deal high damage while possessing remarkable self-sustaining capabilities. Her Insight I (first uncap) gives her immunity to Bleed, Corrode, and Poison status effects. This passive ability also gives her the ability to gain DMG and DMG Heal buffs, stackable up to five times. While she can sustain herself, you'll still need to have a dedicated healer in a normal party that she'll be part of to ensure that her HP is reasonably maintained and unlock her full potential.


Tag(s): DPS, Burst DMG

Afflatus: Beast

Damage Type: Mental

Melania is an outstanding character that thrives in long battles and endgame content. This is because her kit revolves around stealing Moxie (ultimate charge) from enemies and charging her own, while also gaining permanent buff to her ultimate's power that can stack multiple times and cannot be dispelled. This allows her to shut down her enemies while allowing her to unleash her ultimates almost daily.

The main caveat with her kit is that her two incantations (Silent Takedown, and Clockwork Rats) need to be at least star LV2 when using them to access the incantations' potent effects like additional moxie stolen from enemies, more moxie gained, and even improved leech rate (HP drain). These incantations also gain bonus effects when Melania is in [Thief Master] status. (This status gets applied to herself whenever she uses her ultimate)

At Insight I, she gains the ability to get a stack of [Fixed Plan] whenever she uses her ultimate. This status increases the power of her ultimate by a certain percentage, stackable up to six times, and cannot be dispelled. At Insight III, she gains another [Fixed Plan]stack after using her ult, allowing her to build up the power boost in just a few turns. Finally, for her Portray, it is worth getting up to her Portray 2, which grants an additional [Thief Master] status after using her ult.

Medicine Pocket

Tag(s): Control, Debuff, Heal

Afflatus: Beast

Damage Type: Mental

Medicine Pocket is a straightforward, reliable healer and debuffer. This unit's ultimate deals mental DMG, inflicts Daze (affected enemies can't act), and replenishes one Moxie for the user. The Inherent Habit incantation is a relatively spammable spell in Medicine Pocket's kit as it increases the amount of DMG taken by the target by 20% (regardless of the incantation's star level). The Alchemy Ware incantation provides mass healing to the entire party while also providing the [Sturdiness] buff (damage reduction). For this incantation however, it's better to increase the star level and use it only as needed since the amount of HP healed is scaled as the star level of this incantation increases.

At Insight I, Medicine Pocket unlocks a very useful passive that heals all allies whenever the ultimate skill is used. Aside from that, Medicine Pocket doesn't need to rely on Portray buffs as well to remain effective. This unit is quite useful from the get-go.

S Tier

A Knight, An-an Lee, Balloon Party, Bkornblume, Charlie, Dikke, Lilya

A Knight


Afflatus: Spirit

Damage Type: Reality

This unit is a straightforward DPS that focuses on generating moxie for itself, providing DMG bonus buffs to all allies through the ultimate skill or passive (Insight). A Knight belongs to the Spirit afflatus which is both weak and strong against the Intellect afflatus. Enemies of the latter afflatus are uncommon so while A Knight doesn't gain the 30% type bonus against Intellect enemies, this unit won't have any disadvantage when facing enemies bearing the common afflatus types. This makes the unit quite versatile and will fit most team compositions as a carry DPS.

A Knight's ultimate deals reality DMG to all enemies and if any enemy is defeated, the [Rousing Morale] buff will be applied to all allies, boosting their DMG bonus when they attack. Justice is a single-target incantation that generates between 1-3 moxies for the user, depending on the star level when the incantation is used. Glory is the unit's mass attack skill that damages enemies while generating moxies for A Knight. However, this particular incantation requires at least star lv2 to generate at least one moxie. At Insight I, this unit also deals increased damage for every HP lost by the target.

An-an Lee

Tag(s):Control, Support, DPS

Afflatus: Plant

Damage Type: Reality

An-an Lee is a very versatile character and is capable of providing valuable utility to any team composition, thanks to her buffs and ability to self-upgrade her incantation levels. Her ultimate damages all enemies while giving her a status which automatically upgrades one of her Incantations at the start of the rounds, lasting two rounds. She can also buff her allies via one of her Incantations (skill), increasing their DMG Dealt and lowering DMG Taken, which is universally useful against any game mode.

She also has very useful passives. At Insight I, she will also automatically switch between two states; one state gives her a DMG reduction buff that can't be dispelled while the other state provides her DMG Bonus and Penetration rate buffs that cannot be dispelled, while also automatically upgrades her right-most incantation at the start of the round.

Balloon Party

Tag(s):DEF, Heal

Afflatus: Mineral

Damage Type: Reality

Balloon Party is one of the desirable support units in the game, capable of providing clutch healing, damage reduction to the party, and automatic counterattacks by simply applying buffs. She relies on two status effects exclusive to her:

  • Balloon of Innocence : DMG reduction
  • Party Balloon : When the unit with status gets hit, Genesis DMG is dealt to the attacker as a counterattack.

Her ultimate deals Reality damage to all enemies while applying 1 stack of Balloon of Innocence and Party Balloon to her allies, while also healing an ally with the lowest HP. Her normal attack incantation gains a Penetration buff as long as she has BoI or PB buffs active on her. Her healing incantation (Coughing Weirdo) provides mass healing to all allies. However, once this incantation reaches up LV2, all allies will also gain the Party Balloon buff (auto-counter)

Once she gets Insight I, she starts the round with 1 Party Balloon stack and once she reaches Insigt III, this Party Balloon effect becomes permanent for the entire battle. She provides that much utility and boost to your team that she doesn't really need Portrays (duplicates) to be useful.


Tag(s):Debuff, Burst DMG, Control

Afflatus: Plant

Damage Type: Reality

Don't be fooled with the lack of the DPS tag for Bkornblume's profile. She's a support unit that can actually function as a sub DPS while providing utility for the entire team. Her ultimate can Seal opponents (prevents them from activating their own ultimates) or if the target is immune to the Seal debuff, lowers their Moxie (ultimate charge) instead. On top of that, one of her incantations can debuff all enemies on the field, lowering their Reality DEF and increases their DMG Taken. This makes Bkornblume the best debuffer in teams that rely on dishing out Reality DMG.


Tag(s):Dispeller, DPS

Afflatus: Star

Damage Type: Mental

Charlie is a reliable DPS carry in the early and late game modes. Her ultimate damages all enemies while dispelling certain buffs or statuses from all enemies. Both of her other attacks deal bonus damage as long as Charlie has buffs or when her HP is below 50%.

Charlie's Portrays (bonus passives) straight up improves the damage of all her skills. Since she is a 5-star character, she has a higher summoning rate and you'll have a better chance of getting her duplicates to activate her Portrays


Tag(s):DPS, Heal

Afflatus: Beast

Damage Type: Mental

Dikke is a free character you'll obtain on the 8th day of logging in daily. She's a good healer but not as effective as dedicated healers in the game. Her healing is scaled with her ATK stat and she also gains bonus healing if her allies are below 50%. Her DPS incantation and ultimate surprisingly hits hard too.

Dikke's ultimate skill not only deals massive damage, it also purifies debuffs, negative statuses, and control effects while also making herself [Immune] to the status effects mentioned above.


Tag(s):Burst DMG, DPS


Damage Type:Reality

Lilya is a dedicated and straightforward DPS character. All her skills are geared towards dealing damage. However, she's currently the character with the potential to deal the highest single-target damage in the game. She's crit-oriented and even capable of reaching 100% crit rate with the right set up and conditions. The main downside however is that she's not a very effective early game and you'll need to spend a lot of resources on her growth before she becomes the crit monster that she is. Aside from that, she also needs a team composition built around to make her fully shine, which can be quite challenging for new players.

For detailed information regarding unlockable system features, please refer to our System Feature Unlock Guide.
For more details about how duplicate copies of the character are converted after fully unlocking all of their Portrays, please check out our

Gacha System Guide.

Thanks for reading. We hope that you appreciate the time needed to put this free article together, and we would appreciate a comment below if you did to let us know what you thought, or even better, a share on your favorite social network, this helps us get more visitors and lets us know we are doing a good job!

A note about Tier Lists : Please be reminded that Tier Lists are not 'definite' measures of the character's strength and potential. There are a lot of factors to be considered like the characters' availability, their synergy with your team, their utility, equipment, etc. As such, please use our tier lists as what they're meant to be - a guide. Use tier lists to help you decide whether you'll want to invest resources and time to build a character. At the end of the day, it's you who will decide which ones you'll use based on preference and performance.

Paul, Staff Writer

PaulVhayste started writing free guides and walkthroughs in 2006 for several online gaming sites. He has written hundreds of guides covering games from a wide variety of genres across different platforms. He's an avid JRPG and mobile gaming fan, and regularly plays games on the PC, Steam Deck, PS5, and mobile platforms. He strives to continue making comprehensive and easy-to-follow guides for his readers.

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