Reverse: 1999

Reverse: 1999 - Centurion Build and Strategy Guide

By Paul | Nov 15th 2023

Centurion is currently the best DPS and strongest damage dealer in the game, focusing on either raw Ultimate DPS or skill DPS. This is why she's one of the best choices for starters when rerolling and she's consistently considered a top-tier character. In our Centurion Build and Strategy guide, we will discuss her ideal psychocubes and highlight some strategies revolving around her gameplay.

Reverse: 1999 - Centurion Build and Strategy Guide
Reverse: 1999 - Centurion Build and Strategy Guide

If you need detailed instructions on how to reroll, please check out our Reroll Guide.

For more information about which characters to keep on your reroll attempts, please check out our Best Characters to Reroll Guide.

We also have a Tier List which should give you some idea which characters are worth investing on.

Centurion Gameplay Strategy

Tag(s):Burst DMG, DPS

Afflatus: Beast

Damage Type: Reality

Her ultimate (Reality Show Premier) deals Reality DMG to all enemies while applying a stack of Weakness debuff on them.

Her single-target attack incantation (Victorious General) deals Reality DMG and gets a Reality DMG bonus per moxie she has. Leveling up the stars increases both the incantation's base DMG and its moxie-based bonus DMG so you're better off using this skill at least LV2 if possible.

Outdoor Superstar allows Centurion to deal damage to two enemies by default. However, it is worth holding off on these skills and fusing them before casting them since they also provide additional Moxie to herself at LV2 (+1 Moxie) and LV3 (+2 Moxie).

Centurion doesn't require any special planning to be effective, though you still need to consider fusing her attack incantations to at least star level 2 to get the most out of their effects. It will also help placing her in a team that can boost her damage further or apply debuffs to enemies.

Centurion has a lot of compatible psychubes because of how straightforward her kit is. She's also freakishly strong, making it possible to easily trigger some conditional amplification effects.

Brave New World: This psychube boosts Ultimate Might (DMG of ultimates) as its passive while the amplification effect can boost the damage of her next incantation.

Tomorrow Also: This psychube's passive boosts Crit DMG while its amplification effect increases the Crit Rate whenever the wearer uses an ult.

Hopscotch: This psychube's passive boosts Incantation Might. The amplification skill applies a stackable Ultimate Might boost with the activation condition that the wearer lands the finishing blow to the enemies. This is quite achievable with Centurion, considering how her entire kit is geared towards dealing unadulterated damage.

His Bounden Duty: This psychube provides DMG bonus as its passive but similar to Hopscotch, the amplification skill gets activated only if the wearer lands the finishing blow. However, instead of DMG boost, the wearer will get her HP healed instead.

Thunderous Applause: The passive boosts Crit Rate; for its amplification, it boosts Crit DMG whenever the wearer's 1-target attack deals a critical hit. Since Centurion only has one single-target incantation (Victorious General), she won't be able to take advantage of this psychube's amplification effect regularly. Still, the Crit Rate boost is still beneficial to her overall kit.

An Afternoon Nap: Boosts Crit Rate passively and boosts the wearer's Crit DMG whenever her single-target attack lands a Crit Hit. (effect is stackable). Similar to Thunderous Applause, Centurion won't be able to trigger this psychube's amplification effects because she only has a single 1-target incantation.

These 4-star psychubes are good placeholders until you get access to one of the 5-star and 6-star psychubes mentioned above. 4-star psychubes don't have the option to be amplified (improve their amplification effects) by using copies of the same psychube as fodder.

  • Venomous: Provides DMG Bonus
  • Covet: Increases Critical Rate
  • Bow: Incantation Might boost

Centurion Inheritance

Centurion's Insight levels will just make her even better. I1 (Insight 1) increases her damage for every Moxie owned, I2 increases her Crit Rate upon entering a battle, and I3 heals her HP after using her Moxie, giving her sustainability.

Her Inheritance, "Hot Sauce Expert" passives have the following effects:

  • Insight I: For every 1 Moxie owned, DMG Dealt +6%.
  • Insight II: Critical Rate +10% when the caster enters battle.
  • Insight III: When the caster loses Moxie, HP +(Max HP x20%).

Centurion Portrays

Her Portrays (passives) will further improve the raw damage and DMG bonuses of her skills. As early as Portray LV1, her ultimate gets a significant boost, making it possible to deal bonus Reality DMG based on Centurion's moxie by the time of casting.

  • Lv. 1 : Victorious General's effect changes to: additionally deals (the caster's Moxie x14/21/35%) Reality DMG.
  • Lv. 2: Reality Show Premiere's effect changes to: deals 350% Reality DMG.
  • Lv. 3: Outdoor Superstar's effect changes to: at 1/2/3 stars, deals 165/170/250% Reality DMG.
  • Lv. 4: Reality Show Premiere's effect changes to: deals 400% Reality DMG.
  • Lv. 5: Victorious General's effect changes to: additionally deals (the caster's Moxie x18/27/45%) Reality DMG.

For more details about how duplicate copies of the character are converted after fully unlocking all of their Portrays, please check out our Gacha System Guide.

Paul, Staff Writer

PaulVhayste started writing free guides and walkthroughs in 2006 for several online gaming sites. He has written hundreds of guides covering games from a wide variety of genres across different platforms. He's an avid JRPG and mobile gaming fan, and regularly plays games on the PC, Steam Deck, PS5, and mobile platforms. He strives to continue making comprehensive and easy-to-follow guides for his readers.

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