Puzzle Lovers - Adventure Escape Mystery

Puzzle Lovers - Chapter 6 Walkthrough

Puzzle Lovers - Adventure Escape Mystery Guide
More Puzzle Lovers - Adventure Escape Mystery

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Puzzle Lovers is an escape room puzzle game, part of the series of Adventure Escape Mysteries from Haiku Games, featuring a globe trotting reality show.

After solving the puzzles of the museum in the Serengeti in chapter 5 you now have to head home to help rescue your step mother from the fires in the vineyard.

Chapter 6 Walkthrough

Following the phone call from home you are now on a rescue mission. You arrive on the plane but need to bail out as they cannot land. With only one parachute you are still able to take someone with you so choose who will jump with you to help.

Puzzle Lovers - Chapter 6 Walkthrough

Pull the lever in the floor as before to open the hatch then jump out.

You land by the gate to the house.

Puzzle Lovers - Chapter 6 Walkthrough

Tap to remove the parachute and then also the metal barriers under it.

Puzzle Lovers - Chapter 6 Walkthrough

Now collect a fruit picker tool from the truck on the left and some duct tape strips from the headlights of the truck.

Open the cardboard box to collect the screwdriver and open the letter box to collect a Truck key.

Use the truck key to open the door to the truck and collect a fire Extinguisher. And a Cleaning Cloth. Then use the extinguisher on the flames in front of the gate.

Puzzle Lovers - Chapter 6 Walkthrough

Use the Duct tape to fix the sparking power cable above the truck. then tap the headlights again to remove them and collect some Wires.

Use the fruit picker tool to on the power cable on the left to lift it. Then on the ground there is a pile of grey ash, the white foam from the extinguisher and a puddle. Use the cleaning cloth on all three of these to reveal some clues.

Puzzle Lovers - Chapter 6 Walkthrough

View the intercom panel on the left of the gate, it isn't working so use the screwdriver to open the front.

Puzzle Lovers - Chapter 6 Walkthrough

Then add the wires to fix it.

Gate Code

  • Press the button on the left to talk to the step mom. She doesn't know the code to open the gate but we have clues.
  • Looking at the clues on the ground you can see a green number 2 and a number of different colored arrows and lines.
  • Tap any keys on the keypad and you will see that the numbers light up in different colors
  • Green, Purple, Orange White.

Puzzle Lovers - Chapter 6 Walkthrough



Green is the number 2 from the clue. Then look for the purple arrows, these are Down and Up/Left. Follow these directions from the numbner 2 and you get to number 1. Then Orange arrows are Down Down. From 1 this takes you to 7. Then white arrow is Right, this takes you to 8.

Puzzle Lovers - Chapter 6 Walkthrough
Puzzle Lovers - Chapter 6 Walkthrough




Use the extinguisher again to put out the immediate fire. Then go through the gate. After the conversation you need to find the sprinkler controls.

Puzzle Lovers - Chapter 6 Walkthrough

Open the backpack to collect some Cables. Then open the box on the left to collect a Wrench.

When the boxes are gone collect an antenna from the ground and then view the box on the pole. Notice the colors on the far left and right.

Puzzle Lovers - Chapter 6 Walkthrough

Collect the paperclip and open the box, notice inside are 2 more colors. Now use the wrench on the wheel of the cart . this repairs it and moves it away.

Puzzle Lovers - Chapter 6 Walkthrough

Then you can remove a tarp to find some loose pipes. View these.

Pipes Puzzle

Puzzle Lovers - Chapter 6 Walkthrough

  • You can slide any pipe piece around in the grid to arrange them.
  • There are 6 inlet pipes around the edges and a connecting pipe between the 2 grids.
  • You need to make sure all of the pipes are connected together and use all of the pieces.



Puzzle Lovers - Chapter 6 Walkthrough

Next we need to send a wifi signal.

Open the door on the barrel on the right and look inside to see a wifi router.

Puzzle Lovers - Chapter 6 Walkthrough

Add the antenna and the cables. Then use the paperclip on the rest button to get it working.

Puzzle Lovers - Chapter 6 Walkthrough

Control panel code

Next look at the 4 groups of grape vines in the field. They have different numbers of bushes in each. Then tap on each one to see a bunch of grapes. They are all dark with ash.

Puzzle Lovers - Chapter 6 Walkthrough

Use the cleaning cloth to clean the grapes to see the color. There will be Yellow grapes, red, green and blue.

Puzzle Lovers - Chapter 6 Walkthrough

Now back to the control panel on the left. Match the colors of the grapes and the number of the bushes to the position of the colors on the cover to get the code.




Puzzle Lovers - Chapter 6 Walkthrough
Puzzle Lovers - Chapter 6 Walkthrough

You can now press the red button to get the water sprinklers working.

Head to the Wine Cave. Use the extinguisher again to put the flames out.

Puzzle Lovers - Chapter 6 Walkthrough

Then tap the burnt tree to remove it.

Puzzle Lovers - Chapter 6 Walkthrough

Collect the red Scarf and then view the wine bottle. Use the scarf to clean it. You will see a clue.

Puzzle Lovers - Chapter 6 Walkthrough

Now view the door to the cave.

Cave Door Lock

Puzzle Lovers - Chapter 6 Walkthrough

  • Tap each of the 4 sections of the code lock to change though all of the numbers.
  • On each dial you will see 1 white number and 1 red number.

    Puzzle Lovers - Chapter 6 Walkthrough
  • Use the clue from the wine bottle to find the actual code for the door.



The first dial has White 2 / Red 6. Check the grid on the wine bottle to see that white 2 (left) and red 6 (top) intersect at the number 7. Repeat this process for the other 3 dials.




Puzzle Lovers - Chapter 6 Walkthrough

Reach the Lake

Puzzle Lovers - Chapter 6 Walkthrough

  • Now you have a puzzle to let you reach the lake.
  • Use the movement controls to move along the shown paths.
  • Fires will appear and move also when you take a turn.
  • You can also use am extinguisher to put out a fire.
  • You can extinguish any fire in the white circle.
  • You will have a limited number of extinguishers but you can collect more as you progress.
  • The fires will move towards the point you enter each section so you can avoid them.



  1. First move forward and fight the fire so that you can get through the gate.
  2. Forward, Extinguish Front, Forward, Forward, Extinguish front, Forward , Forward

    Puzzle Lovers - Chapter 6 Walkthrough
  3. Forward Forward, Extinguish front. Forward, Extinguish Front, Forward, Extinguish left. Left, Left, left, Right, Right, Right. Forward, Forward. Forward.
  4. Forward, Forward, Extinguish Left, Left, Left, Left, Right, Right, Right, Forward, Forward, Forward, Forward.
  5. Forward, Forward, Left, Forward, Extinguish Left. Left, Right, Right. Extinguish Forward. Forward, Forward, Forward.

    Puzzle Lovers - Chapter 6 Walkthrough

Puzzle Lovers - Chapter 6 Walkthrough

That is the last puzzle of the game, You need to complete some more conversation choices and then the fire is put out.

Puzzle Lovers - Chapter 6 Walkthrough

After the ordeal you are reunited with everyone else and you get to choose who will share the prize with you.

Puzzle Lovers - Chapter 6 Walkthrough

You also have the option to place the rose in the bucket if you don't want to pick anyone.

You can play through the game again if you want to see what your interactions with any different people are.

Mark, Senior Content Writer

MarkWith 20 years of experience in creating video game content for the internet and over 30 years as a gamer, Mark is now a passionate mobile App Gamer. Loving a challenge, he is always ready to get stuck in to both survival builders and puzzle solving games. He has been providing content for AppGamer since 2014.

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