Monkey King: Arena of Heroes

Lineup Guide

Monkey King: Arena of Heroes Guide
More Monkey King: Arena of Heroes

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A lot of hero collection games provide you with a variety of characters with unique characteristics. In order to provide you with interesting gameplay, heroes that you can collect usually have specific skills that they can use in battle in order to help you win a fight. In Monkey King: Arena of Heroes, there are a lot of characters that you can acquire, even if they have individual skills, some heroes have roles they need to fulfill.

In this page, we’ll be checking how forming your Lineup provides you with the advantages that you can achieve in battle. Learning about the different roles and positions in the game can help determine the outcome of battle, so let’s see what’s in store.

What are Roles?

In Monkey King: Arena of Heroes, you’ll start off with characters that have specific skills that they can use in battle such as damaging opponents, healing allies, stunning them, and more. Similar to other games that have role playing elements, the heroes that you can summon also have roles that they can belong into. Knowing the different roles in the game will help you learn about their primary functions, as well as the optimal place that you can position them.

You can check the roles available at the Hero’s Handbook
You can check the roles available at the Hero’s Handbook

Here are the roles that you can find in the game, as well as their functions:

DPSDPS stands for "Damage per second", their role is to use skills that can provide as high damage as possible within a given period in order to defeat enemies faster. They have skills that have high damage output, or they can have self buffs that can increase their damage dealing capabilities.
ControlControl type heroes have skills that can weaken enemies or debuff them in order to give your team a better advantage of defeating them. For example, control skills can include stun which will prevent enemies from moving.
SupportSupport type heroes have skills that can provide buffs for the entire team in order to improve their own capabilities. They can provide increased attack, or perhaps they can increase rage points in order for other heroes to use their specials faster.
HealingHealing is straightforward in their functions, they provide skills that can restore the health of your allies. They have skills that can heal the ally with the lowest health, and they can also have burst heal that can help sustain the entire team.
TankTanks are heroes that are placed at the frontline in order to take as much damage as they can so that the other heroes can do their roles. They can have skills that increase their defenses, or perhaps they can even acquire shields in order to make them harder to take down.

As you level up your account, you also get to unlock more slots for heroes that can be added to your lineup. Starting off in the game lets you have DPS and Healing heroes, but eventually you’ll be able to save up Jade rings in order to summon more roles. Thankfully, swapping out heroes in your lineup lets you transfer their acquired levels, so you can try out any hero combinations that you want. You can also check our Tier lists that show the different roles available.

Importance of Positioning

Once you have unlocked all hero slots, you can have a total of 6 heroes deployed in battle. You will notice that your heroes are either positioned at the front row, or the back row. Normally, heroes at the front row will take damage first before your enemies can reach the back row.

Heroes at the Front Row will usually be attacked first. However, some skills can reach the back row as well
Heroes at the Front Row will usually be attacked first. However, some skills can reach the back row as well

It would be ideal for you to position DPS and Tanks at the front, while having Control, Support, and Healing at the back. However, you must be ready to adjust your positioning accordingly since there are some characters that can directly attack the back row, and some skills can attack columns instead which will hit both front and back areas.

This concludes our Lineup Guide page in Monkey King: Arena of Heroes. We hope this information has helped you out, we’ll have more pages regarding the game so please check our guide menu. If you have any other questions, feel free to check our Answers Page. You can also leave us a comment down below, we’d love to hear from you!

Anj, Staff Writer

AnjAnj, also known as 'Aryafortis' enjoys games from Nintendo consoles, as well as other genres that you can find on Steam, and on Mobile.

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