Merge Mansion - The Mansion Full of Mysteries

I need a tin can but have no clue what steps it takes to get there, can you tell me what the first..

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I need a tin can but have no clue what steps it takes to get there, can you tell me what the first item in that string will be please?

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Guest Answered:

The paint can drops from the tool box.

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eMerging113 Replied
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And it takes many, many clicks for the paint can to drop.
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Guest Answered:

The brown chest drops 3 golden seeds, merge these up to level six and it will start you on your path to creating the tin can.

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I did this and the thing it dropped was a leaf with water on? Does this eventually merge to a tin can?
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Guest Replied
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Wrong kind of seed. The seeds you're looking for are smaller and are simply called "seeds level 1." Merging these will get you a "planted bush." The planted Bush will drop short tin cans and coins. These are what you need to get the stone tin can. Fair warning, this takes a long time.
I reccommend waiting until you have 2 brown chests so you can merge. A level 2 chest will give better loot.
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Guest Replied
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What do I do if the chests never time out, so I can open them?
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Guest Replied
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What brown chests? The ones that turn into the Tool Box?

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