Last Shelter: Survival

How do you "strengthen a soldier"?

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How do you "strengthen a soldier"?

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Guest Answered:

Strengthen means to enhance. To unlock enhancment you need to research the bottom row of research in research tab. Each type (vehicle, shooter, fighter) need to have the enhancement unlocked individually

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Guest Replied
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When you do the research does it strengthen all units in the category? (Vehicle reasearch does all vehicles etc)
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AppGamer Replied
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Completing the research unlocks enhancement for all levels of unit in that troop type (eg vehicles). You still need to do the enhancement action on the troops, similar to training.
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AppGamer Answered:

As mentioned you need to unlock Enhancement for the troop type to be able to enhance them. Once it is unlocked you go to the Command center building and select the troop type you want to enhance.

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Guest Replied
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If we enhance vehicles at level 7.. and then we promote those vehicles to level 8... will they remain enhanced or we have enhance them again ??

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