Last Shelter: Survival

What is the best class?

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What is the best class? Raider or Farmer?

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ldenetdeal Answered:

(RAIDER) I was a Raider from Level 1 - Level 10. I changed to Farmer. I notice as a Raider you have to plunder others to get Food and Oil; these are the 2 items you will always be low on as a Raider. As a Raider, you need to keep building up your army but your army starts eating away at your Food quickly as your army grows. Eventually, as a Raider your army is so huge that you have negative Food production. That is the dilemma I have gotten as a Raider; food consumption ratio to food production. ------ (FARMER) ---- As a Farmer now, i see a huge difference in Food Production. I have alot of food now. I so much food, i can keep producing soldiers; its non-stop. Unlike a Raider, you can't produce soldiers if you have no food especially if you used up your APC vehicles. As a Raider you got to use your APC vehicles to gain food and you hardly attack Zombies for extra Experience Points for your Heros. As a Raider you will come across as a person who attacks others for Resources rather than attacking zombies for Experience Points. But as a Farmer, you can use your APC vehicles to attack as many zombies as you can and gain alot of Experience Points for your Heros. A farmer doesn't have to attack other opponents and raid them of their Resources because your farm will produce so much food to build army quicker and faster and more skilled because you kill nothing but zombies for Experience Points. -------- Conclusion: I see more benefits from being a Farmer because i was a Raider.

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6 to 10
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@ldenetdeal Well Said!
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Guest Answered:

In the beginning I would choose the farmer class.

It gives you depot protection, which prevents a part of your resources from stealing by other players.

It's a lot easier, when you don't have to worry about your resources.

It depends from your base lvl. Till lvl 10 200k of your resources are protected. next:

11 - 300k

12 - 400k

13 - 500k

14 - 600k

I have that, so I cannot say what's further.

You can also research resource shield skill in alliance technology, which further improve depot protection - 1st lvl gives +100k.

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AppGamer Answered:

It will depend on how you want to play the game. Both will let you get through the grind of leveling up in the game. The farmer class is good for a gather and build, more hands off approach. Whereas the Raider class will require you to spend time finding and attacking other players to maintain your resource levels. If you want to take part in weekly kill events where you are rewarded for PvP activities then being a raider is the best. If you are happier literally farming for your resources then be a farmer.

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Can you send a player a class change item or do they have to buy if so that's ***** we should be able to send members items.

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