Last Shelter: Survival

How or do you get in contact with technical for last shelter survival my game was hacked and I did..

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How or do you get in contact with technical for last shelter survival my game was hacked and I did not ask for no refund...I need my troops and game fixed so I can play.......

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AppGamer Answered:
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There are some details here for getting help in the game.

Also try and

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How I can change my email address
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I purchased a kit and never received the benefits
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I have a problem. It's not a function to put someone in the Senate or kick someone out of it. Tried from different mobile devices. The problem remains the same.
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Support email is on the app store when you look the game up ????????
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From yesterday never received the benefity
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Their alway a problem with my chat alliance and state. Always blank. And also i cant getin in eden Dooms Day. Theres no words like ENTER. Only black and blank. What happen????
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I’m Not About to spend any more money on this game! If You Can’t Stop My subscription, I Will Delete The Game
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Guys pleas who know how can I migrtated frome state 128 to state 866 or what can I buy to migrated because maybe it’s old state or I don’t know who can Help me please . Thansk
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I've had my account stolen how do I recover it or stop the person who stole it from using. I have the email but can't recover it from the person who stole it from me.
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I have purchased dooms day investment plan money got transferred and didn't received anything and not a e mail to
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ne moga da si smenq imeila
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Guest Answered:

Lost my main livindead2. State 376 How do I get it back. There is nowhere I can access customer service or technical help

Look I have spent big bucks on this game. Do you support it or is this a scam?

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AppGamer Replied
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We do not support it. This is a help site, the developers do have support for this though. There is an in game support option and email.
If your game was bound to IM30 or another external account then you should be able to start a new game and use the account option to recover it. If this doesn't work contact support and hopefully they can help recover it. If it was not bound then the account is probably lost.
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Your answer is wrong there is no in game support and binding your account resets your city
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The ingame support option are located in the city. Big poster beside the main building
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I live in state 548 my name is bravo 13 I did not get my alliance contribution reward there was a glitch earlier when I tried to log on and only load on 96% I put in almost 6K diamonds last week please reimburse me for my losses or give me Robin rewards for number one ranking ????
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There is no place to contact devs, this option doesn’t exist.
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Yes there is. There's building you didn't build called, "Support." It's in there.
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Where is this building called Support, i have checked every section. Its not there for me.
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AppGamer Replied
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Just next to your base to the left is a gantry. Tap that. Or just go into the settings menu and look for the support option.
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And when I contact the devs, where will I receive their answer?
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When i clock on the contact us thing nothing happens
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Guest Answered:


Today I tried to make a second base as a farm. Unfortunately I have no registered email to main base and I can't log back in now.

Name main base is pak Korka and state is 728 Be Alive aliance Bec.

As proof I only have made payments for game package. Can we please help the base get back?

Thank you in advance for your help and answer. Jakub

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AppGamer Replied
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We cannot help with this as we do not run the game. Please try using the 'Retrieve lost account' option in the Account screen of the Settings Menu. Or check the support page to find the other ways to contact the game developers.
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Wasted time
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Wasted time true
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Guest Answered:

When you are inside your city, there is a banner to the left of your city building, that reads, "Support." Click on that banner.

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Hola quiero recuperar mi cuenta de iam30 ya que no me llega el código pin que debo acer
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Guest Answered:

I lost my last acc "Kumbang18" at state 211 with level base 19

Can you help me?

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AppGamer Replied
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We cannot help with this. Only the gamer developers can. Look for the 'Contact' option in the game help building to contact the developers for assistance.
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I lost my account to.. what i must doing?
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I am in realm 838 still under shield but level 7 and I wanted to play this game with my friend in 831? I didn’t realize it wasn’t until level 6 that I couldn’t move. Since that realm is older is there a way I can still move or do I have to restart? I might not restart so I was hoping there was a way to be helped?

Jarcan realm 838
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AppGamer Replied
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The newbie teleports that let you move for free disappear when you reach level 6. After this you can only change state when the immigration event opens and after you are level 10. This costs money and will not open for many weeks. Unless you have spent money restarting is the best option.
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An alliance is using cri to jnal accusations to harass another alliance. How does one protect from bullying since turning off communications only solves half th as issue.
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I need help because my account was hacked and stolen away from me and my alliance of over 100 people ! Can anyone help ?!
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I too have a problem with my stolen account. I have reached out to customer service Since August 8th via the game and they acknowledged it was stolen, they got my account back. Now, since it took them many days to respond, the base is at level 7 I have pruchases on the this base and all I am asking is that they move my account to state 1028. They tell me I need to ait until November then I can buy tickets to move it. So I not only donate to a base I cannot use in my state\it is a farm\where are developers
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How I contact.

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