Last Shelter: Survival

How can I use my mobile account in other mobile phones?

Question Posted by Guest on
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How can I use my mobile account in other mobile phones? I searched everywhere but I could not find any solution

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Guest Answered:

Here the same Problem its 14th March 2019. and he dont fix the Problem, so If I change my Mobile Devices in the Future i will lost my account. It would be perfect if anyone have an answer after so long time

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It's case sensitive, the email. I finally added im30 account to my other device
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Yeah, so stupid. Who would have thought the email is case sensitive. It worked for me as well.
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So Dumb case sensitive, it works
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Omg.... I did all lowercase and it worked. ALL THIS TIME! UGHHHH....
Why didn't it just say THAT instead of the "not bound to game data" message!?.
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AppGamer Answered:

You need to bind your game to an account, currently you can bind it to a google play account, a facebook account or an IM30 account which is from the developers own system.

Use the same login on another device to retrieve the game state.

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How do you sign into your last account?
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It says "This account is not bound to game data and cannot be switched. Please try again.
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same problem here.. anyone has solution on this?
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I'm having the same problem too. I've binded my account to IM30 but I couldn't find any where that i could linked my acc on another device..
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I'm having the exact same issue on a Samsung tablet running Android 4.4
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I get the same error as many others reported. Trying to login to my existing account on another device and get "This account is not bound to game data and can not be switched. Please try again."

Anyone knows how to resolve this?
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Guest Replied
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Easy solution... when trying to bind an account, instead of selecting "bind" select switch account and it will automatically find your previous account.
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You can only link accounts after you create the campfire. Then in the main menu. Click account and then login. Choose the correct account you saved. And done
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I had the same problem it is case sensitive make sure its the exact same type
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Your email is CaSe SenSItIVe, try again and make sure you enter it correctly.
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Thank you! I capitalized the first letter and it worked.
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What if I already binded on fb. Then it is possible to bind it again on im30?
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Same problem. cap first letter, dots,ect nothing to fix it? talking bout farms....

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