Last Shelter: Survival

What is the best class to choose at level 6?

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What is the best class to choose at level 6? Farmer, raider or trader?

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ldenetdeal Answered:

From my personal experience as a Level 10 Raider from the start having 250,000 troops, i was always short on Food and Oil. My food consumption was 26k/hr and my farm was producing 25k/hr, and that was a huge problem there. As I was training more troops, I was consuming more food in an hour than I was producing. As a Raider I had an excess in Electricity, and Water. One weekend, I was attacked by a bigger opponent at Level 10 as a Raider and lost 70,000 troops; i went from 250,000 troops to 180,0000 troops. I slowly increased back to 250,000 troops several days later and then I was attacked again by a bigger opponent losing 80,000 troops which i was now at 170,000 troops as a Level 10 Raider. So i changed my class from a Raider to a Farmer. I noticed immediately as a Level 10 Farmer, i was producing 51k/hr of food and consuming 26k/hr. Level 10 Farmer back to 250,000 troops, i had alot of food now. Before as a Raider I was plundering for food and i would use the food to increase my army but my army was consuming so much food. The only thing that changed when i was a Raider to a Farmer was my troops dying. I didn't build buildings or increase farms. I just changed my class a Farmer and now i have alot of food and im increasing my army easily and effortlessly.

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Guest Answered:

Picking raider or trader is total nonsense. Raider and trader both do not have any basic resource kinda boost(except trader who has money boost only).Farmer is always the best option because he has a massive boost in production and extra bonus when gathering (and yeah an extra production centre to aid your developments).Whats else do we need? To me money is never a problem in this game if u can rally a lvl 15 wendell clown everyday succesfully. FARMER FOR LIFE

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Guest Answered:

I’d recommend raider or farmer.

Once you hit about level 10, trader becomes a viable option, because before then, you usually lack enough resources to utilize all the cashflow that you’d be getting effectively. You’ll also be much more useful to an alliance, and commanders tend to look for people to fill this little-used niche. But raider is still good too. Farmer I think gives you diminishing returns at this phase of the game, as cash becomes very important for upgrading, and it is the one resource you can’t Rush.

Don’t worry: you get a free class change at level 10 and 13, so you don’t have to make up your mind right now. I was a raider till level 10, but I burned a class change token to switch to Trader since I was chronically under-funded yet over-stocked. Very happy with the choice.

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Which is best in trader or builder
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I have 2 farms that were started as builders. I say farms but I really use them as mini-me bases to fill the gaps in play time. Anyway builders are great because as you level up in National Quests you get free "speed-up" on construction and there are cards that decrease troop consumption of fuel and food and that allow for more players to help. PLUS if you assign yourself as an alliance rep your team can reap the alliance card benefits which are pretty good too. Down side is they never have cash. Funny how that works..

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