Last Shelter: Survival

My wisdom medals I get when recruiting heroes never appear in my items, they suddenly disappear as..

Question Posted by 554 Prodigy on
Last Modified:

My wisdom medals I get when recruiting heroes never appear in my items, they suddenly disappear as if I never used a hero ticket, please ask them to fix this. Also customer service in game is non existent I’ve told them about a few issues and never receive responses is their an email for last shelter so I can try that way?

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They appear in the military academy.

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Wisdom medals, the item used to upgrade abilities on heroes, not heroes or heroes medals
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Guest Answered:

mine was worse. if i have 100 wisdom medal the day before and day after i recruit hero and gets 20 wisdom medal,the 100 will gone and replaced by 20. anyone experiencing it as well?

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Same happening with me, did you fix the problem?
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I have the same problem.
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Same thing happened to me

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