Last Shelter: Survival

I am R4 bought in alliance store 8-Hour Peace shield twice and did not received it twice at the moment..

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I am R4 bought in alliance store 8-Hour Peace shield twice and did not received it twice at the moment I have about 500.000+ point in item list I was forced to buy it with diamonds TWICE finally got it but only those from the item store I got not the alliance store so whats the use of buying stuff from the alliance store if u can`t use them. I would like an explanation please.

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AppGamer Answered:

If you are buying the items then they should appear in your items menu for your to use. As an R4 though, make sure that when you go to the alliance store that you are selecting items from the 'Store' (left tab at the top) and not the Item list. R4 and 5 can select items from the list to put into the store. You buy items with the alliance score which then puts them for sale in the store. All members can then buy the items for their own use from the store with their contribution points.

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Guest Replied
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Same scenario...i'm an R4 and i bought the 2h peace flare in the alliance store many times...however, after checking it did not appear the items that i bought!!! I bought more than 20 but still my current 2 hours peace flare is still six(6)!!! What just happened??
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Guest Replied
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Sorry, nevermind what i've mentioned...i get it now..
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Guest Answered:

If you are an R4, are you sure you are buying the peace shield for yourself, or are you simply adding it to the Alliance Store for purchase?? Make sure you are in the “store” using YOUR contribution points and not just the Alliance “add items to store”. It can easily be done & become confusing if you are R4/5.

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Guest Replied
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I dont have the option to stock the store, how do I change this? It has a daily and weekly tab, no stock tab!

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