Boom Beach

08. Use SOG Tactics when Invading

08. Use SOG Tactics when Invading
Boom Beach Guide

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One of the most effective decisions that the President and Congress made when Gulf War and then later Gulf War II happened was to let the military do what the military does best rather than try to TELL it what to do and what to accomplish.

If the war in Vietnam taught anything in its lessons from history, it taught us that Congress and the President have no business at all telling the military how to fight a battle, let alone a war!

One of the first things that Central Command did when GW2 stepped off was to send in SOCOM and its SOG units. SOCOM translates to Special Operations Command, and SOG translates to Special Operations Groups - and in military parlance these are the two units that you desperately want to be the pointy-end-of-the-stick if you are going to war.

The traditional method is to take delivery of Wood Units from your Sawmill or wait on deliveries from your native friends via boat as illustrated here...
The traditional method is to take delivery of Wood Units from your Sawmill or wait on deliveries from your native friends via boat as illustrated here...

SOCOMs approach to war is to go in fast and quiet then cut the head off of the snake before it can tell all its other snake buddies where to go and what to do. Kill the leader and the group falls apart. You can learn an important lesson from that example here!

Your objective in invading is NOT to take out all of the stockpiles of materials. It is not to destroy every building. Heck, it is not even to take out all of the defensive weapons! Your goal is simple: Take out the Headquarters. Do that and ALL of the other remaining units surrender.

So each time you find yourself off the beach and about to invade, carefully examine the situation. Is there a path you can send your troops up that will avoid some of the defensive positions and allow them to take out the HQ without ever having to deal with them? Well then TAKE THAT PATH!

Remember there are timers for every battle. If you fail to take out the HQ before the timer runs out, you lose. Don't lose. Losing is for... Umm.. Losers!

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