Blue Archive

Terrain Bonuses

Blue Archive Guide
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Blue Archive is a military strategy RPG that takes place in the academy city of Kivotos where players take the role of an advisor to the Federal Investigation Club (Schale) and will be tasked in resolving a myriad of incidents that happen within the academy city. Students play a pivotal role in the game as they're your individual units with various roles, strengths, weaknesses, and of course, personality. In our Terrain Bonuses Guide, we will discuss the different types of terrain where battles take place and how they can affect the damage output of your units.

Blue Archive’s combat system includes different factors like the combatants levels, equipment, and attack/defense types. However, there’s also one factor that players should be familiar with: terrains. Terrains are the actual battlefield where the fight takes place. Still confused? Don’t worry, you’ve come to the right place. In our Terrain Bonuses Guide, we will discuss the different terrains in the game, as well as their effect on your characters’ damage output.

There are three types of terrains where battles take place: Urban, Field, and Indoor. These terrain types will have a direct effect on certain students, increasing or reducing their damage output, depending on their proficiency.

Terrain Bonuses

Before starting a mission, you’ll find what type of terrain you’ll be fighting in by looking at the corresponding icon under the Recommended Level portion. This will help you decide which units to bring. Naturally, you should avoid bringing students that will have damage penalties when fighting on that terrain and deploy students who have the advantage on that terrain. Unfortunately, auto-formation won’t automatically add students that have the advantage on a terrain so you have to pick them manually.

Terrain Bonuses

As mentioned above, students will have damage bonuses when fighting in certain terrains or suffer from damage penalties. You’ll see a student’s terrain effectiveness from their profile screen, in the second section of the “Basic Info” tab. The colored smiley icon determines the student’s proficiency on different terrains. This proficiency is ranked from S to D, with S as the highest and D lowest. Like other attributes tied to a student, their terrain proficiency can’t be modified or changed.

Terrain Bonuses

Take note it's okay to bring a student with damage penalties on a terrain, as long as her teammates can compensate for her reduced damage output while also making up for it by having an ideal Attack Type against the enemies they’re facing. The students’ Attack Type and the enemies’ Defense Type will take precedence over terrain bonuses after all.

Terrain Bonuses

This concludes our Terrain Bonuses Guide for Blue Archive. For more Blue Archive content, please check out our other pages within this guide.

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Paul, Staff Writer

PaulVhayste started writing free guides and walkthroughs in 2006 for several online gaming sites. He has written hundreds of guides covering games from a wide variety of genres across different platforms. He's an avid JRPG and mobile gaming fan, and regularly plays games on the PC, Steam Deck, PS5, and mobile platforms. He strives to continue making comprehensive and easy-to-follow guides for his readers.

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